Original Papers
Oral/Poster Presentations
- Masato Tominaga,
Bioelectrochemistry in Microbial Fuel Cell and Enzyme Sensor for Sustainable Future
The 1st A-ISMET (Africa Conference of International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology) (Ain Sokhna, Egypt)
(Keynote Speaker) -
Ismail Azizi, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga,
Electrochemical Non-Invasive Alcohol Skin Gas Sensor
The 1st A-ISMET (Africa Conference of International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology) (Ain Sokhna, Egypt)
Original Papers
- Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) Activated Carbon as Promising Electrode Materials for Battery Electrode Materials for Battery
Yogi Mirza Pangestu Utomo, Risnawati Risnawati, Fikan Mubarok Rohimsyah, Masato Tominaga, Fredy Kurniawan, Widi Astuti, Andi Idhil Ismail, Yunita Triana
Solid State Phenomena, 368 (2024) 61-76. - Highly sensitive flux-type non-invasive alcohol biosensor based on direct electron transfer of PQQ-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases adsorbed on carbon nanotubes
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Yoshi Izzuddin Azhar, Kenji Shida, Erika Shinchi, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
RSC Sensors & Diagnostics, 3 (2024) 1827-1834.
Selected as “Outside Front Cover” - Improving inhibition efficiency of 304 stainless steel using an organic extract in acidic and high temperature environment: Experimental and theoretical studies
Kartika A. Madurani, Soraya Firdausi, Harmami Harmami, Ita Ulfin, Erika Shinchi, Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masato Tominaga, Fredy Kurniawan
Applied Surface Science Advances, 22 (2024) article No. 100620. - Enhancing microbial fuel cell performance using eco-friendly magnesium and calcium micronutrients in real food waste substrate
Fitria Nur Laily, Sri Rachmania Juliastuti*, Raden Darmawan, Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masato Tominaga
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 10 (2024) article No.100837.
Oral/Poster Presentations
技術情報センター主催「微生物燃料電池による排水処理・発電・CO2回収など要素技術・応用展開・研究開発動向」 2024 (東京)
(招待講演) -
Masato Tominaga, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Harune Sakaguchi, Erica Shinchi, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai
Highly Sensitive Flux-type Non-invasive Biosensor Based on Enzymes-Modified Cellulose Nanofiber Film Electrodes for Alcohol and Aldehyde Gases Detection
第43回日本MRS年次大会 (横浜)
(招待講演) - Masato Tominaga
Electrochemistry and its application for sensor and energy conversion
International Conference Commemorating the 5th Anniversary of the Academic Agreement (Balikpapan, Indonesia)
(Keynote Speaker) - Muhammad Yudha Syahputra, Masato Tominaga
Ammonia Oxidation Behavior at Platinum Electrodes in Alkaline Solutions
The 14th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning (Saga) - Prapti Ira Kumalasari, Chanifah Hidaya, Yuki Motomura, Nobuo Yamashita, Masato Tominaga
Stick-Shaped Microbial Fuel Cells for Livestock Wastewater Remediation and Energy Production
The 14th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning (Saga)
(Oral Presentation Award) - Indra Bayu, Kartika Anoraga Madurani, Fredy Kurniawan, Masato Tominaga
Oxalic Acid Oxidation on Nickel Hydroxide Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode in Acid Solution
The 14th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning (Saga) - Ismail Azizi, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Development of Flux-Type Non-invasive Alcohol Skin Gas Sensor Based on Electrode Reaction of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone-Alcohol Dehydrogenase and Consideration of Its Long-term Stabilization
The 14th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning (Saga) - Harune Sakaguchi, Rio Murakami, Erica Shinchi, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Flux-Type Non-invasive Acetaldehyde Skin Gas Sensor Based on Direct Electron Transfer Reaction of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase with Nanocarbon Electrode
The 14th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning (Saga)
(Poster Presentation Award) - Harune Sakaguchi, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Electrode Reaction Behavior of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Adsorbed on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Its Application to Flux-type Transdermal Acetaldehyde Gas SensorThe 15th Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors 2024 (ACCS2024) (Kitakyusyu, Japan) - Ismail Azizi, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Polymer Additive Effects on Sensor Stability of Flux-Type Alcohol Gas Sensor Based on Pyrroloquinoline Quinone-Alcohol Dehydrogenase Modified Cellulose Nanofiber Film ElectrodeThe 15th Asian Conference on Chemical Sensors 2024 (ACCS2024) (Kitakyusyu, Japan) - Masato Tominaga
Electrochemistry and Its Application in Biofuel Cell and Sensors for Sustainable FutureThe 10th International Symposium on Applied Chemistry (ISAC) 2024 and the 4th International Conference on Chemical Process a Product Engineering (ICCPPE) (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
(Keynote Speaker) - Masato Tominaga
Innovative Use of Cellulose-Based Electrodes in Environmental Sensors for Sustainable Development GoalsChemistry Beyond Border Symposium 2024 (CBBS 2024) (Online, Indonesia)
(Keynote Speaker) - 冨永昌人,坂口温音
おおた研究・開発フェア (東京) - 冨永昌人,松永和真
イノベーション・ジャパン2024〜大学見本市〜 (東京) - 冨永昌人
佐賀大学オープンキャンパス 理工学部化学部門 模擬講義 (佐賀大学) - Electrochemical Analysis of PQQ-Dependent Alcohol Dehydrogenase Adsorbed Carbon Electrode and Its Application for Alcohol Skin Gas
Citra Dewi Rakhmania
(2024年度九州分析化学奨励賞 受賞講演) - 霍見美咲,冨永昌人
日本分析化学会九州支部第37回若手研究講演会および第42回夏季セミナー(鹿児島) - 坂口 温音, Citra Dewi Rakhmani, 新地 姉理華, 足立大宜, 宋和 慶盛, 北隅 優希, 白井 理, 冨永 昌人
日本分析化学会九州支部第37回若手研究講演会および第42回夏季セミナー(鹿児島) - Prapti Ira Kumalasari, Chanifah Hidaya, Yuki Motomura, Nobuo Yamashita, Masato Tominaga
Integrative Approach to Livestock Wastewater Remediation and Energy Production with Stick-Shaped Microbial Fuel Cells
日本分析化学会九州支部第37回若手研究講演会および第42回夏季セミナー(鹿児島) - Electrochemistry and Its Application for Analytical Process/Sensors
Masato Tominaga
The 6th International Seminar on Chemistry (ISoC) 2024 (ISoC2024) (Bali, Indonesia)
(Invited Speaker) -
松永和真, 平沼 帆乃香, 冨永昌人
第61回化学関連支部合同九州大会 (北九州) -
第61回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州) -
Ismail Azizi, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Polymer Additive Effects on Sensor Stability: A Study on Alcohol Skin Gas Sensor Based on Pyrroloquinoline Quinone-Alcohol Dehydrogenase Modified Cellulose Nanofiber Film Electrode
第61回化学関連支部合同九州大会 (北九州) -
坂口 温音, Citra Dewi Rakhmani, 新地 姉理華, 足立大宜, 宋和 慶盛, 北隅 優希, 白井 理, 冨永 昌人
第61回化学関連支部合同九州大会 (北九州) -
Muhammad Yudha Syahputra, Masato Tominaga
Investigating Ammonia Oxidation Behavior at Platinum Electrodes in Alkaline Solutions: Towards Sensor Applications
第61回化学関連支部合同九州大会 (北九州) -
Prapti Ira Kumalasari, Chanifah Hidaya, Yuki Motomura, Nobuo Yamashita, Masato Tominaga
Harnessing Stick-Shaped Microbial Fuel Cells for Power Generation and Wastewater Purification from Livestock Wastewater”
第61回化学関連支部合同九州大会 (北九州) -
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Kyoko Fujita, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Enhancing Alcohol Gas Sensor Performance: Ionic Liquid Additives on Pyrroloquinoline Quinone-Alcohol Dehydrogenase Modified Cellulose Nanofiber Film Electrode
第61回化学関連支部合同九州大会 (北九州) -
佐賀大学フューチャー・リソース推進プラットフォーム2023年度成果報告会 (佐賀大学) -
第84回分析化学討論会 (京都) -
坂口温音,Citra Dewi Rakhmania,新地 姉理華,足立大宜,宋和 慶盛,北隅優希,白井 理,冨永昌人
第84回分析化学討論会 (京都) -
佐賀大学医学部新技術セミナー (佐賀大学) -
坂口 温音、Citra Dewi Rakhmania、新地 姉理華、足立 大宜、宋和 慶盛、北隅 優希、白井 理、冨永 昌人
(「展望とトピック」に選定) -
第84回分析化学討論会(京都) - 冨永昌人
日本学術振興会 R041バイオ・分子・ナノテクノロジー融合委員会 第6回研究会
(招待講演) -
Reviews, Books and Others
- 汚水や汚泥などに含まれる有機物を燃料にする微生物燃料電池
化学装置, Vol. 67, No.1, pp.56-61, 2024. - 微生物が発電する「泥の電池」研究の第一人者、冨永教授に聞く「人生を変えた私の5冊」
WEBサイト「リケラボ 理系の理想の働き方を考える研究所」の「博士の本棚」コーナー -
「生体ガス計測の最新動向」(ISBN978-4-7813-1808-0)」:監修 三林浩二, シーエムシー出版, 第III編 第5章、pp.223-230, 2024. -
「フレキシブル・伸縮性エレクトロニクスによる生体情報計測・医療デバイス開発の研究最前線」(ISB978-4-86428-323-6)」: サイエンス&テクノロジー(株), 第6節,pp.174-181, 2024. -
技術予測レポート−2050年 未来・世界を変える技術−,日本能率協会総合研究所(JMAR 発刊)
Original Papers
- Nanocarbon-Assisted Carbon Nanotube-Based Composite Electrodes for Improved Laccase Bioelectrocatalysis
Masato Tominaga*, Takuya Takatori, Makoto Togami, Masayuki Tsushida
Sensors and Materials, 35, (2023) 4721-4730. - Green Cellulose Nanofiber-Based Printed Electrode for Practical Highly Sensitive Amoxicillin Detection
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Erika Shinchi, Kenji Shida, Yuly Kusumawati, Kartika A. Madurani, Fredy Kurniawan and Masato Tominaga
Analyst (RSC Journal), 148, (2023) 2932-2940.
Selected as “Back Outside Cover” - Electrochemical sensing of dual biomolecules in live cells and whole blood samples: A flexible gold wire-modified copper-organic framework-based hybrid composite
C. Nandhini, P. Arula*, Sheng-Tung Huang*, Masato Tominaga* Chih-Hung Huang
Bioelectrochemistry, 152 (2023) article No. 108434. - Progress and Current Trends in the Electrochemical Determination of Phosphate Ions for Environmental and Biological Monitoring Applications
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masato Tominaga
Analytical Sciences, 39 (2023) 629-649.
Selected as “Hot Article” and “Surface Outside Cover”
Oral/Poster Presentations
- Masato Tominaga, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Harune Sakaguchi, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai
Highly Sensitive Measurement of Alcohol and Aldehyde Gases by using Enzymes-Modified Cellulose Nanofiber Platform Electrodes
(招待講演) - Citra Dewi Rakhmania, 足立大宜, 宋和慶盛, 北隅優希, 白井 理, 冨永昌人
Ultra-Highly Sensitive Detection of Alcohol Skin Gas Utilizing Cellulose Nanofiber Film Platform Electrode Modified with PQQ-ADH Enzyme
第69回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会(福江・五島) - Chanifah Hidaya, 本村勇貴, 山下信雄, 龍田典子, 冨永昌人
Development of Stick-Type Microbial Fuel Cell and Its Practical Use for Sediment and Livestock Wastewater Treatment
第69回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会(福江・五島) - 坂口温音, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, 足立大宜, 宋和 慶盛, 北隅 優希, 白井 理, 冨永 昌人
(学生優秀発表賞) - Masato Tominaga
Innovative Material and Electrochemistry for Sensing Application Advancement and Microbial Energy Conversion
The 5th International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science 2023 (IC2MS) (Malang, Indonesia)
(Plenary Speaker) - 廣渡 翔一, 冨永 昌人
トークシャワーイン九州2023 (宮崎大学) - Masato Tominaga
Cellulose Nanofiber Platform Electrode for Skin Gas Sensor and Enzymatic Biofuel Cell Applications
International Workshop(Ege University, Turkey)
(Invited Speaker) - Masato Tominaga
Workshop on Fun Electrochemistry
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemistry, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya)
(Invited Speaker) - 坂口 温音, 足立大宜, 宋和 慶盛, 北隅 優希, 白井 理, 冨永 昌人
2023電気化学秋季大会 (福岡)
(学生優秀発表賞) - Shaimah Rinda Sari, Kenji Shida, Masato Tominaga
Green Material-Based Printed Electrode for Highly Sensitive Antibiotics Detection
日本分析化学会第72年会(熊本) - Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Green Material-Based Printed Electrode for Ultra High Sensitive Detection of Alcohol Skin Gas
日本分析化学会第72年会(熊本) - 冨永昌人
イノベーション・ジャパン2023〜大学見本市〜 - Masato Tominaga
Enzymatic Biofuel Cell and Skin Gas (Alchol) Sensors Based on Cellulose NanofiberPlatform Electrode
The First International Workshop on Biosensors & Their Biomedical Diagnosis (Egypt)(オンライン)
(Invited Speaker) - 冨永昌人
佐賀大学 有明海創生プロジェクト講演会
(依頼講演) - Masato Tominaga
Electrochemical Technology for Environmental Sensor
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical, Brawijaya University (Malang)
(Invited Speaker) - Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Development of Ultra Highly Sensitive Skin Gas (alcohol) Sensor Utilizing Enzyme-Functionalized Cellulose Nanofiber Platform Electrode
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical, Brawijaya University (Malang) - Chanifah Hidaya, Masato Tominaga
Energy Harvesting Technology of Microbial Fuel Cell and Its Application for Long-term Operation of Small Sensor Device
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical, Brawijaya University (Malang) - Masato Tominaga
Electrochemical Technique on Sensor and Energy Harvesting Fields
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya)
(Invited Speaker) - Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
Ultra Highly Sensitive Detection of Alcohol Skin Gas Utilizing Enzyme-Functionalized Cellulose Nanofiber Platform Electrode
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya) - Chanifah Hidaya, Masato Tominaga
Energy Harvesting Technology Utilizing Stick-Shaped Microbial Fuel Cell and Its Application for Long-term Operation of Small Sensor Device
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya) - Practical Highly sensitive Amoxicillin Detection Utilizing Green Cellulose Nanofiber-Based Printed Electrode
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Kenji Shida, Masato Tominaga
第60回化学関連支部合同九州大会 - Ultra High Sensitive Detection of Alcohol Skin Gas Utilizing Enzyme-Functionalized
Cellulose Nanofiber Film Electrode
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Taiki Adachi, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
第60回化学関連支部合同九州大会 - Energy Harvesting Utilizing Stick-Shaped Microbial Fuel Cell and Its Application for Long-term Operation of Small Sensor Device
Chanifah Hidaya, Masato Tominaga
第60回化学関連支部合同九州大会 - 皮膚ガスセンサを目指したアセトアルデヒド脱水素酵素の電極反応解析
坂口 温音、足立大宜、宋和 慶盛、北隅 優希、白井 理、冨永 昌人
第60回化学関連支部合同九州大会 - ポリペプチド機能化電極上におけるNADHの電極反応
廣渡 翔一、冨永 昌人
Reviews, Books and Others
2023年活動報告書 第80号 -
2023年活動報告書 第244号 - 「特異構造薄膜フィルム」による皮膚ガス(アルコールガス)センサを開発
コンバーテック、7月号特集記事、Vol. 604, No. 51, pp.56-59, 2023. - 「特異構造薄膜フィルム」による皮膚ガス(アルコール)センサを開発冨永昌人
2023年 2月1日号「ガスレビュー」誌の技術レビュー記事, No. 1001, pp.19〜20.
Original Papers
- Production of Bio-electricity from Lapindo Mud and Molasses Using Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) assisted External Resistance Technology
Raden Darmawan, Sri Rachmania Juliastuti, Nuniek Hendrianie, Masato Tominaga
Trends in Science (Walailak Journal of Sceicen & Technology), 19, article No. 1521 (2022). - Effect of Electrode Modification on the Production of Electrical Energy and Degradation of Cr (VI) Waste Using Tubular Microbial Fuel Cell
Raden Darmawan, Sri Rachmania Juliastuti, Nuniek Hendrianie, Orchidea Rachmaniah, Nadila Shafira Kusnadi, Ghassani Salsabila Ramadhani, Yawo Serge Marcel, Simpliste Dusabe, Masato Tominaga
AIMS Environmental Science, 9 (4) (2022) 505〜524. - Accelerating Electricity Power Generation and Shortening Incubation Period of Microbial Fuel Cell Operated in Tidal Flat Sediment by Artificial Surfactant Anode Modification
Masato Tominaga, Kanako Ohmura, Shumpei Ototani, Raden Darmawan
Biochemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier Journal), 185, article No. 108536 (2022). - Cellulose Nanofiber Platform for Electrochemical Sensor Device: Impedance Measurement Characterization and Its Application for Ethanol Gas Sensor
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Shaimah Rinda Sari, Yosyi Izuddin Azhar, Airi Sugita, Masato Tominaga
Teknomekanik, 15 (1), 57-62 (2022). - Fluorescence Spectrophotometry for COVID-19 Determination in Clinical Swab Samples
Kartika A. Madurani, Suprapto Suprapto, Muhammad Yudha Syahputra, Ika Puspita, Abdul Hadi Furqoni, Kistya Puspasari, Hafildatu Rosyidah, Agus Muhamad Hatta, Juniastuti Juniastuti, Maria Inge Lusida, Masato Tominaga, Fredy Kurniawan
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 15, article No.104020 (2022). - High electrochemical stability of hyperthermophilic archaeal multicopper enzyme adsorbed on gold electrodes compared to fungal laccase
Masato Tominaga, Shiho Tamai, Shino Nakao, Miwa Miyamoto, Takenori Satomura
Electrochemistry Communications (Elsevier Journal), 136, article No. 107222 (2022). - Highly sensitive detection of phosphate using well-ordered crystalline cobalt oxide nanoparticles supported by multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masayuki Tsushida, Tetsuya Sato, Masato Tominaga
Materials Advances (RSC Journal), 3 (2022) 2018-2025.
Selected as “Back Outside Cover”, Top 10% paper
Oral/Poster Presentations
- PQQ-ADH修飾CNF基板電極による皮膚からのアルコールガスの高感度測定冨永昌人, Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Yosyi Izzuddin Azhar, 宋和慶盛, 北隅優希, 白井 理第32回日本MRS年次大会
(Invited Speaker) - 特異構造薄膜フィルムによる皮膚ガス(アルコール)センサ開発冨永昌人JST新技術説明会〜ライフサイエンス〜南日本ネットワーク〜
(Invited Speaker) - High Sensitive Alcohol Gas Detection Based on PQQ-ADH electrode reaction with MWCNT-Modified CNF Film Platform
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Kenji Shida, Masato Tominaga
(優秀発表賞) - Antibiotic Amoxicillin Detection Utilizing CNF Film Platform Modified with PBI-wrapped MWCNTs Electrode
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Erika Shinchi, Kenji Shida, Masato Tominaga
第68回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会(京都) - Power Generation of Stick-Shaped Microbial Fuel Cells Operating in a Sediment
Chanifah Hidaya, Noriko Ryuda, Masato Tominaga
第68回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会(京都) - Electrochemical Sensor Technology Utilizing Enzymes and Nanomaterials
Masato Tominaga
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemistry, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya)
(Invited speaker) - Application of Bioelectrochemistry to Biosensor and Biofuel Cell
Masato Tominaga
International Guest Lecture of Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
(Invited speaker) - Phosphate Ion Sensor and Skin Gas Sensor
Masato Tominaga
World Class Professor Series 2022, Existing and Future Perspective of Electrochemical Sensors, Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (Online)
(Invited speaker) - Energy Harvesting Technology Utilizing Enzymes and Microbial Catalysts
Masato Tominaga
The 4th Borneo International Conference 2022 (Institut Teknologi Kalimantan).
(Plenary Speaker) - 酸化コバルトナノ粒子の合成と解析冨永昌人
文部科学省マテリアル先端リサーチインフラ 令和4年度利用成果発表会(オンライン)
(依頼講演) - Ethanol Gas Detection at PQQ-Alcohol Dehydorogenase Modified CNF-based Film Electrode
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Yosyi Izzuddin Azhar, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
日本分析化学第71年会(岡山) - CNF基板3電極による皮膚からのアルコールガス測定
電気分析化学交流会(京都府立ゼミナールハウス )
(Invited Speaker) - 微生物を利用した発電技術と微生物触媒型燃料電池の開発動向
サイエンス&テクノロジー 技術セミナー「脱炭素社会実現に向け期待される”バイオものづくり” 微生物の有効活用技術とその未来」 (セミナー番号 B220839(微生物有効活用))
(Invited Speaker) - Ethanol Gas Detection at PQQ-Alcohol Dehydorogenase Modified CNF-based Film Electrode
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Yosyi Izzuddin Azhar, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
日本分析化学第71年会 - Electroanalytical Sensor Based on Nanomaterials-modified Electrode for the Detection of Environmental Contaminants
Shaimah Rinda Sari
The 35th Young Researcher’s Lecture and the 40th Summer Seminar of the Kyushu Analytical Chemistry Young Scientist Association
Award-winning lecture - Ultra-Sensitive Alcohol Gas Sensor Based on Direct Electron Transfer Reaction of Alcohol Dehydrogenase at CNF Film Electrode
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Yosyi Izzuddin Azhar, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
第35回若手研究講演会および第40回夏期セミナー - High sensitivity and wide-rage concentration detection of antibiotics regent amoxicillin using CNF film electrode modified with PBI-wrapped MWCNT
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Kenji Shida, Masato Tominaga
第59回化学関連支部合同九州大会 - PQQ-alcohol dehydrogenase modified CNF-based film electrode for ethanol gas detection
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Yosyi Izzuddin Azhar, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Masato Tominaga
第59回化学関連支部合同九州大会 - Electricity generation of microbial fuel cell operating in paddy field
Chanifah Hidaya, Sigeru Narise, Yuji Muta, Testuya Seki, Kenta Saisyo, Masato Tominaga
第59回化学関連支部合同九州大会 - Cellulose Nanofiber Film Platform for Bioelectrochemistry
Masato Tominaga
The 6th International Symposium of Universitas Negeri Padang
(Invited Speaker) - 微生物を利活用した「泥の電池」の実用化に向けた研究開発
日本化学会九州支部 2022年度第1回講演会
(Invited Speaker) - CNFプラットフォーム電極の作製と電気化学計測への展開
(Invited Speaker)
Reviews, Books and Others
- 研究者からのアドバイス
someone、リバネス出版、2022年夏号、Vol. 59 - 近未来のデジタルヘルスを支える酵素バイオ技術〜センサと発電〜
シーエムシー出版、2022年2月17日発刊、ISBN: 978-4-7813-1660-4 - セルロースナノファイバー基板電極
シーエムシー出版、2022、ISBN: 978-4-7813-1660-4 - 微生物燃料電池の可能性
電気計算、電気書院出版、2022年1月号、90(1) 40, 2022.
Original Papers
- 単層カーボンナノチューブを基板電極にしたpost-synthesis法により合成された窒素ドープカーボンにおける酸素触媒還元反応
冨永昌人, 鷹取拓弥
BUNSEKI KAGAKU (The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry), 70(9), 557〜561 (2021). - Temperature depending bioelectrocatalysis current of multicopper oxidase from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum
Masato Tominaga, Shino Nakao, Makoto Takafuji, Eiichiro Takamura, Shin-ichiro Suye, and Takenori Satomura
Electrochemistry Communications (Elsevier Journal), 125, article No. 106982, (2021).
Oral/Poster Presentations
- 「泥の電池」〜「泥」に住む微生物が電気をつくる!?〜
第53回サイエンスカフェ in SAGA
(Invited Speaker) - 単層カーボンナノチューブならびに金電極上における好熱菌由来マルチ銅酵素の電気化学的挙動
冨永昌人, 中尾紫乃, 玉井志歩, 末信一朗, 高村映一郎, 里村武範
(Invited Speaker) - Nano Carbon and CNF Platform Electrodes for Bioelectrochemistry
Masato Tominaga
The 11th Joint Seminar between Liaoning University and Saga University
(Invited Speaker) - Sensitive Determination of Phosphate Ion Based on Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles Modified Electrode
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masayuki Tsushida, Tetsuya Sato, Masato Tominaga
The 11th Joint Seminar between Liaoning University and Saga University
(Best Presentation Award) - Tubular Dual-Chamber MFC: Analysis of Copper-Modified Carbon Cloth Performance
Citra Dewi Rakhamania, Sri Rachamania Juliastuti, Raden Darmawan, M. Tominaga
The 11th Joint Seminar between Liaoning University and Saga University - Influence of Additional Nutrient on Microbial Fuel Cell Performance
Chanifa Hidaya, Sri Rachamania Juliastuti, Raden Darmawan, M. Tominaga
The 11th Joint Seminar between Liaoning University and Saga University - Cellulose nanofiber platform electrode based on MWCNT for trace detection of amoxicillin
Shaimah Rinda Sari, 冨永昌人
第67回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会 - 円錐状電極先端での電場集中と電極反応速度
第67回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会 - 微生物を利活用したカセット型「泥の電池」の開発
成瀬 茂, 牟田裕二, 大薮隆樹, 冨永昌人
第73回日本生物工学会大会 - カーボン結合ペプチド修飾マルチ銅オキシダーゼ固定化バイオカソードの性能向上を目的としたコール酸系界面活性剤による電子伝達の効率化
髙村映一郎, 後藤慧史, 坂元博昭, 里村武範, 櫻庭春彦, 冨永昌人, 大島敏久, 末信一朗
第73回日本生物工学会大会 - Nano Carbon Material for Energy Conversion and Sensor
Masato Tominaga
Guest Lecture Series (GLS) on Sustainable Development Goals (Web), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
(Invited Speaker) - カーボンナノチューブに吸着したマルチ銅酵素による酸素触媒還元反応
(Invited Speaker) - Highly sensitive monitoring of phosphate using well-ordered crystalline cobalt nanoparticles supported
by multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masayuki Tsushida, Tetsuya Sato, Masato Tominaga
日本分析化学会第70年会(Web) - Electrochemical Technique for Energy Conversion and Sensor
Masato Tominaga
International Guest Lecture of Chemistry Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
(Invited Speaker) - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」の現状と今後の見通し
産総研(AIST) フレキシブル エネルギー デバイス コンソーシアム2021年度 第2回講演会
(依頼講演) - Congratulatory speech at the entrance ceremony on August 9, 2021
Masato Tominaga
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia - 泥の電池〜見えてきた実用化〜
佐賀大学オープンキャンパス2021(オンライン) - Synthesis of well-ordered Co-nanoparticles modified carbon nanotubes and its application for highly sensitive determination of phosphate
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masayuki Tsushida, Tetsuya Sato, Masato Tominaga
The 10th Global Conference on Materials Science and
Engineering (CMSE 2021) (Web), National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - About Saga University and Sakura Science Program
Masato Tominaga
International Webinar Series #2 of Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
(Keynote Speaker) - Co-nanoparticles Modified MWCNT Electrode for Phosphate Ion Sensor
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masayuki, and Masato Tominaga
第 58回化学関連支部合同九州大会(Web) - カセット式の淡水系「泥の電池」の開発
成瀬 茂, 牟田裕二, 大薮隆樹, 冨永昌人
第 58回化学関連支部合同九州大会(Web) - Basic Concept of Chemistry
Masato Tominaga
Global Learning Program (GLP), ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember)
(Invited Speaker)
Reviews, Books and Others
- 微生物を利活用した「泥の電池」〜発電に及ぼす界面活性剤の添加効果〜
シーエムシー出版, 2021, ISBN 978-4-7813-1621-5 - リレーエッセイ 「2020年の年末に思う〜無くしてわかった大切なこと〜
日本分析化学会会誌「ぶんせき」 2021年 4月号, p.179, 2021. - 特集「酵素バイオ発電・酵素バイオセンサ 」
監修 冨永昌人
月刊バイオインダストリー 、シーエムシー出版、38(5), 2021. - 「センサならびに微生物燃料電池に関する国際共同研究」
文教ニュース、特別掲載『さくらサイエンスプログラム』友情と感激、第2647号、pp. 54-55, 2021.
Original Papers
- Tunable electrochemical synthesis of 3D nucleated 1 microparticles like Cu-BTC MOF-carbon nanotubes
composite: Enzyme free ultrasensitive determination of glucose in a complex biological fluid
P. Arula, N.S.K. Gowthaman, S. Abraham John and Masato Tominaga
Electrochim Acta, 354, paper No. 136673, 2020. - Cellulose nanofiber-based electrode as a component of an enzyme-catalyzed biofuel cell
Masato Tominaga, Kazufumi Kuwahara, Masayuki Tsushida, Kenji Shida, Kenji
RSC Advances (RSC Journal), 10, 22120〜22125 (2020). - Mud Microbial Fuel Cell: Effect of External Resistance on Bioelectricity Power Generation
Masato Tominaga, Shumpei Ototani, Raden Darmawan
AIP Conference Proceedings (American Institute of Physics), 2230, paper No. 030002, 2020.
Oral/Poster Presentations
- Electrochemical Energy Conversion System Utilizing Bio-Rerated Catalysis
Masato Tominaga
Guest Lecture Series (GLS) on Sustainable Development Goals (Web), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
(Invited Speaker) - 導電性CNFシートを用いた酵素触媒型燃料電池の作製
(招待講演) - 好熱菌由来マルチ銅酵素の温度依存型構造変化が及ぼす電気化学的触媒酸素還元活性への影響
中尾紫乃, 里村武範, 髙村 映一郎, 末 信一朗, 冨永昌人
2020年日本化学会九州支部秋季研究発表会 - 金電極上に吸着した起源の異なるマルチ銅酵素の電極反応
玉井志歩, 中尾紫乃, 里村武範, 髙村 映一郎, 末 信一朗, 冨永昌人
2020年日本化学会九州支部秋季研究発表会 - ガス拡散型カセット式「泥の電池」の開発
成瀬 茂, 相島悠人, 牟田裕二, 大薮隆樹, 冨永昌人
(優秀ポスター発表賞) - CuSeナノ触媒によるCO2電気化学的触媒還元反応
石川雄也, 上杉和司, 津志田雅之, 冨永昌人
2020年日本化学会九州支部秋季研究発表会 - 好熱菌由来マルチ銅酵素における温度依存型構造変化と電気化学的挙動
中尾紫乃, 里村武範, 髙村 映一郎, 末 信一朗, 冨永昌人
第66回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会 - 金電極上におけるマルチ銅酵素の吸着と耐電場性
玉井志歩, 中尾紫乃, 里村武範, 髙村 映一郎, 末 信一朗, 冨永昌人
第66回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会 - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」の小型実装デバイス化
イノベーション・ジャパン2020〜大学見本市Online〜 - The Characterization and Application of Carbon Nanotubes Material
Masato Tominaga
International Webinar Series #1 of Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
(Invited Speaker). - Possibility of bioelectrochemistry to contribute to health, social welfare, and ecology
Masato Tominaga
The 10th International Conference of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Higher Education Association (10th ICMAHEA), (Web meeting) Muhammadiyah University Palembang, Indonesia
(Keynote speaker). - Preparation of Co-nanoparticle modified MWCNT electrode and its application for phosphate ion sensor
Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masayuki Tsushida, Masato Tominaga
The 10th International Conference of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Higher Education Association (10th ICMAHEA), (Web meeting) Muhammadiyah University Palembang, Indonesia.
(Best Paper Award) - Electrochemical Energy Conversion Utilizing Biocatalysis
Masato Tominaga
The 5th Engineering Science and Technology International Conference 2020, (Web meeting) Bung Hatta University , Indonesia
(Keynote speaker). - Co-nanoparticle Modified MWCNT Electrode for Phosphate Ion Sensor
Rinda Sari Shaimah,Masayuki Tsushida, Masato Tominaga
第80回日本分析化学討論会(北海道) - Bioelectrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction by Hyperthermophilic Archaea Muticopper Oxidase Immobilized onto SWCNT
Shino Nakao, Takenori Satomura, Eiichiro Takamura, Shin-ichiro Sue, and Masato Tominaga
The 10th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning University (佐賀大学) - CoNPs Modified PBI Covered MWCNT GCE for Phosphate-Ion Sensor
Shaimah Rinda Sari and Masato Tominaga
The 10th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning University (佐賀大学)
Reviews, Books and Others
- 微生物を触媒とした「泥の電池」、水田での実証実験に成功
佐賀大学広報誌「かちがらす」, No. 44号、p.11(2021年3月発刊) - 発電と汚泥の浄化を両立させる未来の電池
佐賀大学リージョナル・イノベーションセンター(SURIC)NEWS LETTER創刊号,(2021年1月4日発刊) - 泥の電池
経済産業省 九州経済産業局編、p.58, 2021. (2021年3月発行) - 酵素バイオ発電技術とその電極設計
「Bio Industry」、シーエムシー出版、37 (11) 53-60, 2020.
Original Papers
- Hydrothermal preparation of a platinum-loaded nanosulfated zirconia catalyst for the effective conversion of waste low density polyethylene into gasoline-range hydrocarbon
Maisari Utamia, Wega Trisunaryanti, Kenji Shida, Masayuki Tsushida, Hidetaka Kawakita, Keisuke Ohto, Karna Wijaya, and Masato Tominaga
RSC Advances (RSC Journal), 9, 41392〜41401 (2019). - Response of SWCNTs/KPG5-modified carbon electrode on dopamine, uric acid and ascorbic acid
Ardi Rofiansyah, Masato Tominaga, Fredy Kurniawan,
Materials Science and Engineering (Elsevier Journal), 494, 012049-1〜012049-7 (2019).
Oral/Poster Presentations
- 微生物を利活用した「泥の電池」におけるアノードのインピーダンス解析
第26回日本生物工学会九州支部長崎大会(長崎) - 簡便な酵素修飾によるバイオ発電技術
(依頼講演) - Comparative Investigation into Bioelectrocatalysis of Multicopper Oxidases from Hyperthermophilic Archaea and Fungus Immobilized onto SWCNT Electrode
(招待講演) - Carbon Nanotube Platform for Bioelectrochemistry
Masato Tominaga
The International Joint Meeting of the Polarographic Society of Japan (PSJ) and National Taiwan University (NTU)-The 65th Annual Meeting of PSJ- (Taipei)
(Invited Speaker) - Boosting Bioelectrocatalysis of Multicopper Oxidase from Hyperthermophilic Archaea Induced by SWCNT immobilization
Shino Nakao, Takuya Takatori, Takenori Satomura, Shin-ichiro Sue, and Masato Tominaga
The International Joint Meeting of the Polarographic Society of Japan (PSJ) and National Taiwan University (NTU)-The 65th Annual Meeting of PSJ- (Taipei)
(Excellent Poster Award) - 電導電性セルロースナノファイバーの作製と酵素電極への展開
桑原和史, 冨永昌人
工学系高度人材育成コンソーシアム佐賀 大学見学会(佐賀大学) - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」の現状と課題
(招待講演) - SWCNT電極上におけるアーキア由来マルチ銅酵素の酸素触媒還元反応のpHと温度依存性
中尾紫乃, 鷹取拓弥, 里村武範, 末 信一朗, 冨永昌人
2019年電気化学秋季大会(山梨) - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」におけるアノード界面の電子授受反応解析
塚本晃啓, 音谷隼平, 冨永昌人
トークシャワー・イン・九州2019(長崎) - Electrochemical Analysis for Electron Transfer Mechanisms of Microorganism in Mud Microbial Fuel Cell
Masato Tominaga
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya, Indonesia)
(Invited Speaker) - Converting Chemical Energy to Electrical Energy with Microbial Fuel Cell
Masato Tominaga
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Bung Hatta,(Padang, Indonesia)
(Invited Speaker) - Effect of Connection Type in Series and Parallel on Electric Power Generation of Mud Microbial Fuel Cell
M. Tominaga, S. Ototani, R. Darmawan
The 16th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2019, (Padang, Indonesia)
(Invited Speaker) - Converting Chemical Energy to Electrical Energy with Microbial Fuel Cell
Masato Tominaga
The International Guest Lecture of Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya (Palembang, Indonesia).
(Invited Speaker) - 微生物を活用した淡水系「泥の電池」の高出力化
成瀬 茂, 音谷隼平, 牟田裕二, 大薮隆樹, 冨永昌人
第 56回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州) - アーキア由来耐熱型マルチ銅酵素による酸素触媒還元反応のSWCNT複合電極界面における超活性化
中尾紫乃, 鷹取拓弥, 里村武範, 末 信一朗, 冨永昌人
第 56回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州) - 「泥の電池」における微生物とアノード界面での電子授受反応解析
塚本晃啓, 音谷隼平, 冨永昌人
第 56回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州) - ウエラブル酵素センサのための導電型CNFシートの開発
桑原和史, 冨永昌人
第 56回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州) - 単層カーボンナノチューブ上での含窒素カーボンの作製と酸素触媒還元反応
第79回日本分析化学討論会(北九州) - Electrochemistry Using Carbon Nanotube
Masato Tominaga
Research forum on Current and Future Energy Storage Technologies, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Tailand).
Reviews, Books and Others
- 第64回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会報告
Review of Polarography, 65 (2) 73-75 (2019). - 微生物を利活用した「泥の電池」による先進的資源循環システム
シーエムシー出版, pp.216-226, 2019. ISBN978-4-7813-1488-4 - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」による革新的な発電・浄化システム
「クリーンテクノロジー」、29 (3) 27-31 (2019). 日本工業出版(株) - 活動報告書(公募計画コース)第444号
JST日本・アジア青少年サイエンス交流事業「さくらサイエンスプラン」(2019) - 活動報告書(公募計画コース)第166号
JST日本・アジア青少年サイエンス交流事業「さくらサイエンスプラン」(2019) - 佐賀大学の活動報告書, 科学技術振興機構「さくらサイエンスプラン」友情と感激
「文教ニュース」第2530号 (2019) 文教ニュース社
Original Papers
- Preparation of Nano-Carbon-Modified Electrode and Its Oxidation Onset Potential in an Electrolyte Solution
Masato Tominaga
Chemical Sensors, 34, 111-117 (2018). - Electrochemical Sensor Based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes-Modified Gold Electrode for Uric Acid Detection
Fredy Kurniawan, Nur Shofwah Al Kiswiyah, Kartika A. Madurani, and Masato Tominaga
Journal of Electrochemical Society (ECS Journal), 165, B515〜B522 (2018). - Cholate Adsorption Behavior at Carbon Electrode Interface and Its Promotional Effect in Laccase Direct Bioelectrocatalysis
Masato Tominaga, Motofumi Tsutsui, Takuya Takatori
Colloids and Interfaces (MDPI Journal), 2, No. 33, 1-10 (2018). - Molecular Design of Glucose Biofuel Cell Electrodes: Energy Innovation
Michael Holzinger, Yuta Nishina, Alan Le Goff, Masato Tominaga, Serge Cosnier, and Seiya Tsujimura
Molecular Technology, Volume 1, Chapter 11, pp.287-306, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2018)
Oral/Poster Presentations
- ナノカーボン複合電極の作製と生物電気化学への展開
(依頼講演) - ソリューションプラズマ法によりセルロースナノファイバーの孤立分散化
第21回連携大学院産学官交流セミナー(佐賀) - CO2-Captured Alkanolamine Using Electrochemical Method
M. Tsutsui, T. Umeki, M. Tominaga
The 1st International Co-operative Seminar of Post-graduate Program for Global Advancement (1st ICS-PPGA) (Saga University) - Power Generation of Mud Battery and Analysis of Electron Transfer Reaction at Carbon Anode
S. Ototani, M. Tominaga
The 1st International Co-operative Seminar of Post-graduate Program for Global Advancement (1st ICS-PPGA) (Saga University) - Tuning Nanocarbon Composite Ratio for Laccase Bioelectrocatalysis
(招待講演) - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」の発電量に及ぼすアノード極における界面活性剤の添加効果
大村佳菜子, 音谷隼平, 冨永昌人
第64回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会(壱岐) - 単層カーボンナノチューブ上に合成した含窒素カーボンの酸素触媒還元反応
(優秀研究発表賞) - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」のカーボンアノードにおける電子授受反応の解析
音谷隼平, 冨永昌人
(優秀研究発表賞) - CO2-captured アルカノールアミン水溶液からの電気化学的CO2回収法の評価
第64回ポーラログラフィーおよび電気分析化学討論会(壱岐) - 佐賀大学理工学部 冨永研究室
2018さがを創る大交流会(佐賀大学) - 電気化学:化学と電気のエネルギー変換
工学系高度人材育成コンソーシアム佐賀 大学見学会(佐賀大学) - ナノカーボン電極の創製と機能化〜高効率な再現性の高い酵素電極反応を目指して〜
日本セラミック協会 第31回秋季シンポジウム(名古屋)
(招待講演) - Surface Morphology Effect of Anodic Carbon on MFC Power Generation
S. Ototani, M. Tominaga
Department Seminar of Chemical Engineering, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya, Indonesia) - Development of Mud Battery for Sustainable Power Supply for IoT
Masato Tominaga
Department Seminar of Chemical Engineering, Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya, Indonesia)
(Invited Speaker) - Mud Microbial Fuel Cell: Effect of External Resistance on Bioelectricity Power Generation
M. Tominaga, S. Ototani, M. Nakagawa, Y. Takenaga, R. Hiraki, C. Hidaya, S. Sopian, S. Morimura, R. Darmawan
The 1st ISIChem 2018 (International Symposium of indonesian Chemical Engineering 2018), (Padang, Indonesia)
(Invited Speaker) - ナノカーボン形状が及ぼすラッカーゼ酸素触媒還元反応におけるコンポジット効果
桑原和史, 鷹取拓弥,冨永昌人
トークシャワー・イン・九州2018(熊本) - ナノカーボン電極の比表面積・導電性の最適化によるバイオカソードの高効率化
(優秀ポスター発表賞) - アルカノールアミンによるCO2化学吸収と電気化学的回収
トークシャワー・イン・九州2018(熊本) - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」の発電量に及ぼすアノード表面形状の影響
トークシャワー・イン・九州2018(熊本) - 微生物を活用した「泥の電池」による革新的な発電・浄化システム
イノベーション・ジャパン2018〜大学見本市〜(東京) - Degradation of Molasses using Microbial Fuel Cells and Its Effects to Potential Electricity
Raden Darmawan, Fariz Hidayat, Riki Hermawan, Sandra Sopian, Wangsit Aria Kirana, Masato Tominaga
第36回九州分析化学若手の会夏季セミナー(福岡) - A novel electropolymerization of covalent organic framework on glassy carbon electrode for nanomolar detection of dihydroxybenezene isomers”
Ponnusamy Arul, S. Abraham John, Masato Tominaga
第36回九州分析化学若手の会夏季セミナー(福岡) - バイオカソード電流に及ぼすナノカーボンコンポジット電極における比表面積・導電性の影響
第36回九州分析化学若手の会夏季セミナー(福岡) - CO2-capturedアルカノールアミンからの電気化学的CO2分離
筒井源文, 梅木辰也, 冨永昌人
第36回九州分析化学若手の会夏季セミナー(福岡) - 微生物のメディエータ型電子伝達による「泥の電池」の発電量への影響
音谷隼平, 冨永昌人
第36回九州分析化学若手の会夏季セミナー(福岡) - 「泥の電池」の発電量と微生物活性に及ぼす塩濃度ならびにpHの影響
安永剛亮, 窪田一輝, 音谷隼平, 冨永昌人
第 55回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州) - 各種ナノカーボンコンポジット電極におけるラッカーゼ酸素触媒還元反応
桑原和史, 鷹取拓弥,津志田雅之,志田賢二,仁科勇太, 冨永昌人
第 55回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州) - ナノカーボンコンポジット電極における比表面積・導電性制御によるバイオカソード電流の最適化
鷹取拓弥,津志田雅之,志田賢二,仁科勇太, 冨永昌人
第 55回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州)
(電気化学会九州支部優秀研究発表賞) - 「泥の電池」の発電量に及ぼすアノードカーボン電極の影響ならびにメナキノンの酸化還元反応
音谷隼平, 冨永昌人
第 55回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州)
(電気化学会九州支部優秀研究発表賞) - 電気化学法によるCO2-captured アルカノールアミン水溶液からのCO2回収
筒井源文, 梅木辰也, 冨永昌人
第 55回化学関連支部合同九州大会(北九州)
(電気化学会九州支部優秀研究発表賞) - SWCNT−KBコンポジット比と分散状態が及ぼすラッカーゼ触媒酸素還元電流への影響
鷹取拓弥,桑原和史, 仁科勇太, 津志田雅之,志田賢二,冨永昌人
第78回日本分析化学討論会(山口) - 「泥の電池」の発電量とアノード表面積に基づく微生物−電極間の電子伝達機構の解析
第78回日本分析化学討論会(山口) - 疎水・親水界面へのステロイド系界面活性剤の吸着とラッカーゼ触媒酸素還元電流に及ぼす影響
筒井源文,宮田靖悟, 冨永昌人
第78回日本分析化学討論会(山口) - ナノカーボン電極の作製とセンシングへの応用
Reviews, Books and Others
- 巻頭言 壱岐での討論会開催における「おもい」
Review of Polarography, 64 (2) 57-58 (2018). - 活動報告書(公募計画コース)第307号
JST日本・アジア青少年サイエンス交流事業「さくらサイエンスプラン」 (2018) - 活動報告書(公募計画コース)第058号
JST日本・アジア青少年サイエンス交流事業「さくらサイエンスプラン」 (2018) - 「泥の電池」化による先導的環境保全システム
九州管内における大学・公的研究機関等の環境技術シーズ集, 17 (2018)、九州経済産業局編 - 泥の電池化による先導的環境保全システムの構築
「燃料電池」17 (3) 52-55 (2018), 燃料電池開発情報センター
Joint research, Funding
- 2024 Saga University’s Future Resource Promotion Platform Project (development/deepening project)
- 2024 Saga University New Material Creation Promotion Platform Synchrotron Radiation Research (Pioneering and Exploratory Project)
- 2024 BRIN-NEDO(Japan) Project (with BRIN in Jakarta)
- 2024 Bilateral joint research project (with Egypt) funded by JSPS
- 2024 Joint research with Saga Prefectural Livestock Institute
- 2024 Joint research with Panasonic
- 2024 Bilateral join research program (with Turkey) funded by JSPS
- 2024 Basic Research C funded by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan
- 2024 Innovation Japan – University Trade Fair -: “Development of a user-friendly stick-type microbial fuel cell”
- 2024 Research Grant, Ogasawara Memorial Foundation
- 2023 Saga University’s Future Resource Promotion Platform Project (development/deepening project)
- 2023 Bilateral joint research project (with Egypt) funded by JSPS
- 2023 Foundation from JST 2nd “Sakura Science Plane”
- 2023 Collaboration project funded by CIREn ”Renewable energy innovation co-creation platform” industry-academia-government
- 2023 Innovation Japan – University Trade Fair -: “Development of a wearable device capable of real-time monitoring of biogases”
- 2023 Research grant, Kato Foundation(Citra Dewi Rakhmania)
- 2023 Funded from JST 1st “Sakura Science Plan”
- 2023 Joint research with Nishimu Electronics Industries
- 2023 Joint research with Saga Prefectural Livestock Institute
- 2023 Joint research with Panasonic
- 2023 Bilateral joint research program (with Indonesia) funded by JSPS
- 2023 Bilateral join research program (with Turkey) funded by JSPS
- 2023 Basic Research C funded by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan
- 2022 Funded from JST 3rd “Sakura Science Plan”
- 2022 Collaboration project funded by CIREn ”Renewable energy innovation co-creation platform” industry-academia-government
- 2022 Funded from JST 2rd “Sakura Science Plan”
- 2022 Joint research with Saga Prefectural Livestock Institute
- 2022 Bilateral join research program (with Turkey) funded by JSPS
- 2022 Basic Research C funded by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan
- 2022 Bilateral joint research program (with Indonesia) funded by JSPS
- 2022 Joint research with Panasonic
- 2022 Joint research with Nishimu Electronics Industries
- 2021 Joint research with Saga Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station
- 2021 Collaboration project funded by CIREn “Renewable energy innovation co-creation platform” industry-academia-government
- 2021 Saga University Specific Research
- 2021 Research incentive for Promotion of Science, Kato Foundation (Shaimah Rinda Sari)
- 2021 Funded from JST, A-STEP Tryout type
- 2021 Joint research with Nishimu Electronics Industries
- 2021 Joint research with Panasonic
- 2021 Funded from JSPS, Bilateral exchange joint research program
- 2020 Saga University Specific Research
- 2020 Innovation Japan – University Trade Fair -:” Development of compact mounting device of mud battery”
- 2020 CIREn “Renewable energy innovation co-creation platform” industry-academia-government collaboration project
- 2020 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan”
- 2020 Joint research with Panasonic
- 2020 Joint research with Nishimu Electronics Industries
- 2019 CIREn “Renewable energy innovation co-creation platform” industry-academia-government collaboration project
- 2019 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan” as first term : One graduated student from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), One student from Institut Teknologi Karimantan (ITK), One graduated student from Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
- 2019 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan” as second term : Two graduated students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Two staffs from Universitus Sriwijaya
- 2019 Joint research with Panasonic
- 2019 Joint research with Nishimu Electronics Industries
- 2018 Funded from JST Innovation Japan – University Trade Fair -:” Innovative power generation and purification system using mud battery”
- 2018 Trial use of “molecular/substance synthesis platform research subject”: “Synthesis and evaluation of N-doped carbon dots”
- 2018 Joint research with Panasonic
- 2018 Joint research with Nishimu Electronics Industries
- 2018 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Strategic Research: “Molecular Design of Electrodes for Biofuel Cells”
- 2018 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan” as first term : One student and one graduated student from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Two students from Institut Teknologi Karimantan (ITK)
- 2018 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan” as second term : Two students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), One graduated student from Gandhigram Rural Institute
- 2017 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Strategic Research: “Molecular Design of Electrodes for Biofuel Cells”
- 2017 Innovation Japan – University Trade Fair -:” Leading environmental protection system by using mud battery”
- 2017 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan” as first term : One graduated student from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), One teacher and one student from Institut Teknologi Karimantan (ITK)
- 2017 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan” as second term : One graduated student from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), One graduated student from Gandhigram Rural Institute
- 2016 Research funding from Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation: “Development of biomolecularly modified nanocarbon electrodes that enable high potential and high speed oxygen reduction
- 2016 Research funding from Yashima Environment Technology Foundation: “Study on electrode arrangement and carbon material aiming at practical use of mud battery”
- 2016 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan” as first term : One student from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
- 2015 Funded from JSPS, foreign researchers, Professor C. J. Zhong, State University of New York (at Bighamton)
- 2015 Funded from JST “Sakura Science Plan” as second term : One graduated student from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), One graduated student from Gandhigram Rural Institute
- 2015 Research funding from Takahashi Industrial and Economic Research Foundation: “Development of microbial fuel cells for high efficiency power generation from sewage sludge”
- 2014 Funded from JSPS, Bilateral exchange joint research program: “Development of an advanced recycle system using microbial fuel cell”