Tominaga Laboratory, Department of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry,
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University

Student Awards


Stick-Shaped Microbial Fuel Cells for Livestock Wastewater Remediation and Energy Production

Prapti Ira Kumalasari

The 14th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning University

Oral Presentation Award

Flux-Type Non-invasive Acetaldehyde Skin Gas Sensor Based on Direct Electron Transfer Reaction of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase with Nanocarbon Electrode

Harune Sakaguchi

The 14th Joint Seminar between Saga University and Liaoning University

Poster Presentation Award

Electrochemical Analysis of PQQ-Dependent Alcohol Dehydrogenase Adsorbed Carbon Electrode and Its Application for Alcohol Skin Gas

Citra Dewi Rakhmania

Kyushu Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Researchers

Acetaldehyde Detection from the Skin Using an Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase-Modified CNF Sheet Electrode

Harune Sakaguchi

The 69th Japan Polarographic Society Annual Meeting

Student Excellence Presentation Award

Electrode Reaction Analysis of Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase and Its Application to Aldehyde Gas Sensor

Harune Sakaguchi

The 2023 Japan Electrochemical Society Autumn Annual Meeting

Outstanding Student Presentation Award

Progress and current trends in the electrochemical determination of phosphate ions for environmental and biological monitoring applications

Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masato Tominaga

Hot Article Award on
Analytical Sciences

Creation of new electrode interface for a reversible redox reaction of NADH/NAD+

Citra Dewi Rakhmania

Student Award of research incentive for Promotion of Science Kato Foundation

High Sensitive Alcohol Gas Detection Based on PQQ-ADH electrode reaction with MWCNT-Modified CNF Film Platform
Citra Dewi Rakhmania, Keisei Sowa, Yuki Kitazumi, Osamu Shirai, Kenji Shida, Masato Tominaga
68th Annual Conference on Polarography and Electroanalytical Chemistry

Best Presentation Award (Poster Presentation Category)
Electroanalytical Sensor Based on Nanomaterials-modified Electrode for the Detection of Environmental Contaminants

Shaimah Rinda Sari

Kyushu Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Researchers
Sensitive Determination of Phosphate Ion Based on Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles Modified Electrode

Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masayuki Tsushida, Tetsuya Sato, Masato Tominaga

The 11th Joint Seminar between Liaoning University and Saga University, Liaoning University, China

Best Presentation Award
Development of Skin Tissue Biogas Sensor Based on Enzyme-modified Cellulose Film Electrode

Shaimah Rinda Sari

Student Award of research incentive for Promotion of Science
Kato Foundation
Development of Cassette-Type Mud Battery with Gas Diffusion Electrode

Shigeru Narise, Yuto Aishima, Yuji Muta, Takaki Ohyabu, Masato Tominaga

2020 Chemistry Society of Japan Kyusyu-Branch Autumn Research Conference (Web)

Excellent Poster Presentation Award
Preparation of Co-nanoparticle modified MWCNT electrode and its application for phosphate ion sensor

Shaimah Rinda Sari, Masayuki Tsushida, Masato Tominaga

The 10th International Conference of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Higher Education Association (10th ICMAHEA), (Web meeting) Muhammadiyah University Palembang, Indonesia

Best Paper Award
Boosting Bioelectrocatalysis of Multicopper Oxidase from Hyperthermophilic Archaea Induced by SWCNT immobilization

Shino Nakao, Takuya Takatori, Takenori Satomura, Shin-ichiro Sue, and Masato Tominaga

The International Joint Meeting of the Polarographic Society of Japan (PSJ) and National Taiwan University (NTU)-The 65th Annual Meeting of PSJ- (Taipei)

Excellent Poster Award
Electrocatalytic oxygen reduction at N-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes

Takuya Takatori, Masato Tominaga

The 64th Annual Meeting of Polarographic Society of Japan

Excellent Research Presentation Award
Electroanalysis at carbon anode of “mud battery”utilizing microorganisms

Syumpei Ototani, Masato Tominaga

The 64th Annual Meeting of Polarographic Society of Japan

Excellent Research Presentation Award
High efficiency of biocathode by optimizing the specific surface area and cinductivity of nanocarbon electrodes

Takuya Takatori, Masayuki Tsushida, Kenji Shida, Masato Tominaga

Talk-shower in Kyusyu 2018 (The meeting for new generation of electrochemist)

Excellent poster
presentation award
Optimization of biocathode current by controlling specific surface area and cinductivity of nanocarbon composite electrodes

Takuya Takatori, Masayuki Tsushida, Kenji Shida, Yuta Nishina, Masato Tominaga

The 55th Chemistry Kyusyu-Branch Joint Annual Meeting

Excellent Research Presentation Award
Effect of anode carbon electrode on “mud battery” power generation and redox reaction of menaquinone

Syumpei Ototani, Masato Tominaga

The 55th Chemistry Kyusyu-Branch Joint Annual Meeting

Excellent Research Presentation Award
CO2 capture from CO2-captured alkanolamine aqueous solution by electrochemical method

Motofumi Tsutsui, Tatsuya Umeki, Masato Tominaga

The 55th Chemistry Kyusyu-Branch Joint Annual Meeting

Excellent Research Presentation Award
Effect of external resistance on power generation of “mud battery”

Syumpei Ototani, Masato Tominaga

The 54th Chemistry Kyusyu-Branch Joint Annual Meeting

Excellent Research Presentation Award